We made our first donations to schools. One hopes to use it for play equipment and another for a seating area outside for the children. The last school that Rhiannon attended on placement also hopes to put some money towards an annual prize in Rhiannon's name. Rhiannon was really keen on promoting good relationships between each other and the award will be for a child who shows compassion for others, which I think is a lovely tribute to Rhi. We are also meeting with Gloucester University this month to discuss funding a bursary for a PGCE student who would not otherwise be able to afford the course. This was the course that Rhiannon had been studying since September 2016, having completed her Sociology Degree at Cardiff. Separately, we have been approached by Gloucester University, who have asked if we would be happy for them to present an annual prize in Rhiannon's name. We are honoured that they wish to do this and look forward to discussing details with them at the end of the month