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Savannah Bar

Thank you to the Savannah bar who kindly agreed to include Rhiannon’s Trust as one of the beneficiary charities in their annual charity golf day and thanks to Rob Foster for suggesting it. A great day was had by all and a fantastic amount of £700 has been donated into the trust. We would like to thank Gordon Taylor and Andy Horsley in particular, for organising the day and for selecting the Trust as one of their beneficiary charities. We would also like to thank everyone who donated the Auction prizes which included; • Rounds of golf at Wentworth and Stoke Park – Thanks to John Nicholas & Gary Lomas for donating • A night out at the Dogs for 4– Thanks to Mark Morris • A giant Marrow grown in Rob Fosters garden - thanks to Jonny Briggs for paying £20 for this as well as a massive £400 for the round of Wentworth!!

Everyone’s generosity is really appreciated.

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